Personal Products

Personal Products

You are what you digest, including the personal products you use on your skin. -Tammy Kohlschmidt – The 8 Secrets to Optimal Breast Health –  I’m sure many of you know (as most of you are holistic), that personal care products can be toxic. Many of...
Water is Alive

Water is Alive

“Water that has been exposed to loving words shows brilliant and complex snowflake patterns.” Masaru Emoto, author of The Hidden Messages In Water – Water is alive and responds to emotions or vibrations. Water is a finite resource. It comes down to earth from...


Turn on your heart light, for all the world to see. – Neil Diamond, Lyrics from Heart Light –  Joy and Sadness live in our heart, they intertwine and become compassion. Compassion fuels our heart light. Shine your heart light with the intention of...