Thermography for Health NY Blog: Thermography

Thoughts and suggestions on how you can increase your wellness
Thermography: A Modern Approach to Breast Health

Thermography: A Modern Approach to Breast Health

When it comes to breast health, early detection and prevention are paramount. Mammograms have long been the gold standard for breast cancer screening, but there's another valuable tool that deserves attention: thermography. There are many benefits of including...

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What is an Emotional Brew? Let me explain…

What is an Emotional Brew? Let me explain…

What is an Emotional Brew? Let me explain: An emotional brew is what is inside of you, waiting to be synthesized, processed, released and honored. When you Synthesize, Process, Release, and Honor your emotional brew, healing can happen. First- Spend some time...

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Tis the season – what’s on your wish list?

Tis the season – what’s on your wish list?

"May your walls know joy,may every room hold laughter,and every window open to great possibility." Mary Anne Radmacher Gift giving during the holidays is a long-standing tradition that brings joy to family and friends alike.   There’s something special about finding...

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Your Mouth and Your Overall Health

Your Mouth and Your Overall Health

Your mouth is a cavern of hydroxyapatite crystalsthat connect to our energetic systems. - Tammy Kohlschmidt - The 8 Secrets to Optimal Breast Health Your mouth is the gateway to your overall health. The mouth is the area of the body that is most often overlooked when...

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Have You Checked In?

Have You Checked In?

True wellness starts when we stay attuned to our inner selves. Have You Checked In Today? - Tammy Kohlschmidt  - The 8 Secrets to Optimal Breast Health -  We all lead busy lives and time flies by. We’re pretty good at “checking-in” with others we care about – via...

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How do you clear and cleanse your sacred spaces?

How do you clear and cleanse your sacred spaces?

Sacred Space   The space you inhabit is sacred.    The space within your body and within your cells is sacred.      The space between your thoughts is sacred.        Everything around you and in you is a sacred space. - Tammy Kohlschmidt  - The 8 Secrets to Optimal...

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The Pleasure Principle

The Pleasure Principle

I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it.   - Mae West -   We all know how good sex can be. It produces surges of good-feeling hormones and endorphins that alter our mood and reduce stress. This blast of chemistry increases healing as it alters our brain,...

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Sleep as a Flow System

Sleep as a Flow System

Sleep time is play time for our subconscious. As you flow into sleep your mind-body complex is healing on all levels. Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, and Spiritually. - Tammy Kohlschmidt -  - The 8 Secrets to Optimal Breast Health -  Sleep is a mysterious state of...

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Better Lymph Flow Means Better Health

Better Lymph Flow Means Better Health

I have been published in the online magazine, Natural Awakenings, New York City & Long Island! If you would like to view the article in the magazine go HERE.When Tammy Kohlschmidt describes the lymphatic system, what comes to mind is an Italian sports car: It’s...

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Energy Flow

Energy Flow

  Thoughts can limit you or expand you. They can feel heavy or light. Your energy will follow your thoughts.Where are your thoughts flowing to?   - Tammy Kohlschmidt - The 8 Secrets to Optimal Breast Health - Emotions and thoughts are a very important part of our flow...

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Tension Tamers

Tension Tamers

   Warrior your way through your worry.  - Tammy Kohlschmidt -   The 5 Charms of Self-Empowerment  Warrior your way through your worry. Say that 5 times fast! Worry is a vibration that stems from fear. Fear keeps our nervous system on high alert and in sympathetic...

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2-Minute Breathing Break

2-Minute Breathing Break

Our breath is our lifeforce. Are you consciously breathing in yours?    - Tammy Kohlschmidt   - The 8 Secrets to Optimal Breast Health -  The breath of life, are you consciously breathing in yours? We can go days without food and water. But how long can we go without...

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Are You a Stagnant Pond or a Flowing River?

Are You a Stagnant Pond or a Flowing River?

You are what you digest. This includes the media that you read and see on a daily basis. Make it EMPOWERING!    - Tammy Kohlschmidt - The 8 Secrets to Optimal Breast Health  Are you a stagnant pond or a flowing river? And how will you know? Digestion is about...

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Assess Your Flow Systems

Assess Your Flow Systems

Thermography allows you to see what you may not yet feel.    - Tammy Kohlschmidt - The 8 Secrets to Optimal Breast Health  This is a quick overview of why thermography is an important assessment of your flow systems. Thermography allows you to see what you may...

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Restore Your Flow!

Restore Your Flow!

Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object,and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. -Bruce Lee -  It is so important to keep our lymphatic...

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Inflammation And Your Immune System

Inflammation And Your Immune System

The word inflammation comes from the Latin inflammare, to set on fire. In the context of our immune system, heat, redness, pain and swelling form as a reaction to either injury, or a perceived threat in the body. If you’ve ever hit your thumb...

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During the New Year we are all looking for ways to improve our health and wellness. (I can't tell you how many of my friend's New Year's Resolutions are to be healthier and exercise) Instead of blindly assessing what your body is missing you...

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False Positive Results can actually lead to cancer!

Mammograms can often lead to more harm than good.   Unfortunately, mammograms are very unreliable and can often conclude 'false positive results.' That false news can completely shake a woman's sense of well-being.  The victims are then...

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Thermography- Breast Cancer Awareness Month

I'm all for promoting Breast Cancer Awareness Month and 'Early Detection' but many people recommend and emphasize the wrong thing (Mammograms!) during this month. In my practice, I focus on overall breast health and ways to prevent breast...

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Clinical Case Studies

I wanted to share with you guys some powerful quotes about Thermography and your health. “1982 FDA approved Thermography as an adjunctive Breast screening procedure. Breast Thermography has the ability to detect the first signs of a tumor that...

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Why haven’t you heard of Thermography?!

I'm sure many of you are thinking- 'If Thermography is so good for me why haven't I heard much about it?! Explanation: It’s all about money! This proven technology has been thwarted by the multi-billion dollar American mammography industry. For...

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Thermography and Early Breast Cancer Detection

Thermography is a great tool for early detection of Breast Cancer. Thermal Imaging can help identify vascular changes in the breast.   It detects irregular temperature patterns in breast tissue even before a noticeable lump is formed (unlike...

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