What If You Asked for More?

There is So Much More to Breast Health than Your Annual Mammogram.

Learn 5 Secrets that will EMPOWER You and Support Your Optimal Breast Health.



In Our Patients Own Words…

“This office is fast, clean, efficient and you receive results within one week of your test.”

I am so happy to have found an alternate test for identifying breast cancer far ahead of what a mamagraphy is capable of doing and all the more so without receiving harmful radiation in the process. This office is fast, clean, efficient and you receive results within one week of your test. It has helped me trememdously to diagnose issues i didn’t even know i had with my thyroid and digestion. I highly recommend Thermography for Health NY!!! – Catherine Dove

“This experience was fantastic.”

I was a bit apprehensive having a mammogram in the past… this experience was fantastic, way less intrusive than a mammogram, and no radiation. Tammy was courteous, professional and took time to explain the findings and recommendations – something I have never experienced with my mammogram. I highly recommend this test to all of my loved ones! – Katiana Lescouflair-Segars

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powered by BirdEye

Why Thermography for Health NY?

Too often, people think of “wellness” in temporary terms. They want to work with practitioners and take short-term steps to improve their life… and “wellness”… but often fall back to their less healthy routines once they are left to fend for themselves. After years of seeing this happen with patients, Tammy wanted to help patients improve their overall wellness on all levels – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  And also give them the tools to continue their progress long after they have established their health.

Meet Our Team

An integral part of Thermography For Health NY approach is a collaborative relationship between our practitioners and the patient. We serve as your guide, helping you create health.


Emancipation - Free To Do What I Wanna Emancipation  - Break The Chain - Lyrics by Prince -  I woke up this morning contemplating a dream. The dream took place in my house on Hancock Street in Saginaw, Michigan. In my bedroom, there was a door that led to the...

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Answers Are Within

Answers Are Within

You will know everything you need to know,  when you need to know it. - Tammy Kohlschmidt - 5 Charms of Self-Empowerment -  You don't know what you don't know. AND the moment you don't know - you can Feel into that space or void of not knowing. Feeling into it is a...

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In The Months To Come

In The Months To Come

My Good Tidings to All of Us! May you RENEW in 2022! ❄️ January - If you tend to get the January Blues, sing them loud and proud and let them move through your body. It's a great way to RENEW. ❄️ February - Make February Fabulous! Find a passion that ignites your...

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The Allure of Winter

The Allure of Winter

 The hazy shade of Winter is the Allure that can lead us to spiral in. - Tammy Kohlschmidt - 5 Charms of Self-Empowerment  Let Winter allure you. Consider its energy - Winter is the time of contraction - everything in Nature contracts and closes in. There is a...

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Lions & Tigers & Bears, Oh My!

Lions & Tigers & Bears, Oh My!

Thoughts, Opinions, and Viewpoints, Oh My! - Tammy Kohlschmidt - 5 Charms of Self-Empowerment -  The lion in your thoughts has to be the courage within you if you entertain fear as a thought-form. A thought-form is like an entity of energy that hovers around you -...

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 Freedom of Choice - is what you GOT.   Freedom FROM Choice - is what you want.   - DEVO 1980 -  I like to think of decisions as a 3 part process. - The pendulum - Let it swing freely back and forth for a spell. - The Scale - Weigh the 2 sides of your decisions. - The...

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Find Freedom in Your Mind

Find Freedom in Your Mind

Our Mind is the Sea - Our Emotions are the Waves - Our Body is our Ship. - The day of our birth is Embarkation Day. - Tammy Kohlschmidt - 5 Charms of Self Empowerment -  Our Sea - Our Waves - Our Ship. All need to be sovereign in order to make the voyage to the next...

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Let’s Boost!

Let’s Boost!

I had to resend this email as it holds the magic for boosting your immune system. The oil recipe below is exactly what you need if you are feeling drained or if you have come in contact with sick people. Stay boosted and shine your light! Quick Question: Are you...

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Earth Angels

Earth Angels

If you are not an angel, then what are you? - Dr. Reid Winnick, DDS  - Dentistry for Health NY -  Yes - That is the question. What ARE you? In case you didn't know this - while Dr. Winick treats a tooth, he calls in the Highest Healing Angels and speaks to them as he...

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The team at Thermography for Health New York understand how to integrate Thermography, Body Work, Energy Medicine, Essential Oils, and Oral Health into any regimen you may need or are already pursuing.

Our unique approach to lasting health depends on resultion of the root causes at the various levels of your dis-ease. Learn more here


We would love to meet you!

Schedule an appointment today.

Simply call 212-838-8884 or email 