The question is – are your boundaries healthy, are they
your own (or do they come from conditioning)
and do they need to expand?
Where in your life are you called upon to be courageous?
At Work –
With a sick loved one –
In your community –
With your own trauma –
In ending a relationship –
In saving a relationship –

Courage takes an inner strength that relies on boundaries. If you know your boundaries, your courage will be there for you to access.
If your boundaries are weak, any situation you are in can become a deep inner conflict and courage will be waiting for you in the heart of the lion.
When you are faced with something that frightens you– it may be that you do not know your boundaries or you have crossed over them to a place that is unknown to you.
The unknown can be a scary, dark place with a vast set of possible outcomes.
In the unknown, you will have to summon courage.
C – Continuous
O – Oscillations
U – Under
R – Roaring
A – Arduous
G – Guilted
E – Experiences
Courage will continuously show up – and wait for you to own it. It will oscillate and spiral within you, waiting for you to take action. It is there for you under your internal roars and arduous tasks.
You may feel guilty if your boundaries are not set and clear. These experiences come to you so that you can become empowered and own your courage.

How do you summon courage? Summon the Lion.
Close your eyes.
Breathe easy and relaxed.
Tap on your chest (your Heart Center) until you feel your shoulders relax, or any part of your body let go.
Visualize a lion’s face in your Heart Center– looking out of you at a situation. Watch the lion move towards the situation with courage, protection, and pride. When pride is real and not boastful it is a strength intertwined with wisdom.
As the lion approaches the situation – see yourself step into the lion’s place.
Gently tap on the top of your head, your heart, and then your belly. Breathe easy and relaxed.
Do this meditation often and you will begin to harness the energy of a lion and be able to clarify your boundaries and approach situations with courage.
If you need help creating boundaries, a Body Talk Session can help!
Boundaries make up our energetic backbone. The question is – are they healthy, are they truly yours (or conditional by another into you), and do they need to be expanded?
Call the office (212-838-8884) or reply to this email to schedule your Body Talk Session Today!
Move your body and Let Go! Dance to Courage – By Pink
Tammy says:
Helichrysum is for the walking wounded. It supports us to keep on living and face the difficulties and adversities that cause suffering.
Helichrysum invites courage to show up as it has warrior energy and can ignite determination. Use it with the Summon the Lion Meditation and it will increase your intentions.
Helichrysum is referred to as “The Everlasting Flower” because of its rejuvenating benefits for the skin and ability to improve the complexion.
Regularly used in personal care products.
Use topically to reduce the appearance of blemishes.
When applied to the face to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and promote a glowing, youthful complexion.
For a soothing sensation, massage into the temples and back of the neck.