Think about where you are in your life. Were you placed there or inserted?
The energy behind this is interesting.
Placement has flow and simplicity. Insertion is more of a quick happening or a direct force. Neither is good or bad and can be useful depending on the situation.
Ask yourself this – where do I place my thoughts and have they been inserted?
Insertion of thoughts happens because of our programming. Family, religion, culture, society, TV, internet – the list goes on.
For just a few moments today, see where you place your attention and notice what thoughts arrive.
If the thought doesn’t serve the betterment of yourself or others, insert a different thought. This is how you plant the seeds in your garden of perspectives.

Enjoy growing, my friends. That is the collective purpose – grow in the light, thrive in the dark, and learn to love you.
Loving others is easy when you love and embrace you! And your true colors…which may not be all rainbows.
Your true colors can be enhanced or changed once you develop self-awareness and the desire to see them. And then accept, there may be lurking shadows that need to be exposed to the light and become reflected as a rainbow.
Place yourself in self-awareness and insert a new thought if needed.
There will always be lurking shadows. The key is to develop your truth about them and love your true colors.
Tammy says:
Bergamot supports individuals in need of self-acceptance and self-love. It invites individuals to view their lives with greater optimism. Bergamot sparks anew optimism and confidence in the self and imparts true self-acceptance. Bergamot helps individuals learn to let go of self-judgement by teaching them to love themselves unconditionally.
Diffuse Bergamot oil in the classroom, at work, or at home when stress levels or tension is high.

Apply to the skin while showering and inhale deeply to experience its calming aroma while enjoying its purifying skin benefits.
Change regular tea to Earl Grey with the addition of Bergamot oil.Apply to the feet before bedtime or use with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil for a calming and relaxing massage.
Apply to the feet before bedtime or use with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil for a calming and relaxing massage.
Add one to two drops to your DIY skincare cleanser.