As you learned in my last post Cruciferous Vegetables have many Breast Cancer fighting properties. Â It’s easy to have at least 1 serving of these delicious vegetables every day.
Here’s a list of some of my favorite cruciferous veggies:
- Arugula
- Bok choy
- Broccoli
- Brussel sprouts
- Cabbage
- Cauliflower
- Chinese cabbage
- Collard greens
- Daikon
- Kale
- Mustard greens
- Radishes
- Turnip
- Watercress
We are very luck that Nature provides us with our own Cancer fighting pharmacy!
I’m also including a SIMPLE and delicious Recipe anyone can make using these Veggies:
Kale Salad
1/2 Organic Lemon
1 Bunch of Lacinato Kale
1 Tsbp Extra Virgin Organic Olive Oil
1 pinch of Sea Salt
1) Take Lacinato Kale leaves off the stem
2) Put in a bowl and squeeze 1/2 lemon
3) Add Olive Oil and sea salt
4) Lovingly squeeze kale with your fingers until it becomes tender (this will make the kale easier to chew)
And voile you’re done!
Be Well,
Tammy Kohlschmidt RDH, CCT, CBP