Thermography for Health NY Blog

Thoughts and suggestions on how you can increase your wellness


"Energy Flows Where Your Attention Goes." Each of us needs, wants, and even craves attention. It’s part of our human condition and how we experience emotion, acceptance, connection, and love. Consider who may need your attention to their details or what attention you...

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 “Give me a WARNING, give me a SIGN - tell me what will I find?”  - Lyrics from "Shine" by Collective Soul - It's always in the ASKING. When you ask for guidance you must trust it will arrive. Synchronicity cannot give you a "sign "if you do not have belief that it is...

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Don’t Fear the Reaper

Don’t Fear the Reaper

“Seasons don’t fear the Reaper.Nor do the wind, the sun, or the rain.”- Lyrics from 'Don't Fear the Reaper' by Blue Oyster Cult -  Death knocks at our doors, swirls about, and has a time for us all. Mostly what I’ve come to realize is that life is scarier than death....

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The Warrior Within

The Warrior Within

 -"Shooting at the walls of heartache...Bang bang, I am the warrior." - Lyrics from 'The Warrior' by Scandal - The warrior within begins again and again.   Driven, unfaltering, focused, and thriving. Our inner warrior is there for everyone else, all of the time. Maybe...

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A Beat, A Pulse, A Rhythm

A Beat, A Pulse, A Rhythm

What do we – you and I – have in common? A beat, a pulse, a rhythm – a Vibration. From day to day my rhythm and flow may change based on the beat or the pace of my day. I may even go through various rhythms in a matter of minutes. Knowing that we have this ability to...

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What About a Nap?

What About a Nap?

Do you do the "work"? Something I hear quite often is this: "I do so much work on myself. Food choices, appointments with practitioners, exercise, and more. But I still don’t feel well." Sometimes doing the work isn’t all physical. We are also emotional, mental, and...

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Pressure or Resistance

Pressure or Resistance

Do you know if you are under pressure or in resistance? Being under pressure or being in resistance is like a vise grip on your flow systems. Blood, nerve, and lymph flow are all affected, as well as digestive flow and hormonal balance. It is the mind that creates...

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I’ll Take You There

I’ll Take You There

Internal shifts...External shifts... During my week off, I decided to do a deep dig. I wanted to see what was sprouting inside my root system and see what roots were ready to be released. This is a fancy way of saying that I did a Body Talk Session on myself. The...

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Edge or Center

Edge or Center

"Sometimes you have to travel to the edge of yourself to find your center." (Buck Ghosthorse, Lakota Elder) Finding your center is a place of empowerment and freedom. Feeling centered, calm, empowered -- these are all states of being that each of us have within. The...

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Magical Mystery Tour

Magical Mystery Tour

Today I want to share a special experience one of my clients had recently.One of my clients just lost his entire business and had to recreate his life. With many unknowns creating uncertainty, anxiety, and inner chaos, we did a Body Talk session to see what his Body/...

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Shining or Holding

Shining or Holding

Quick Question: Are you shining your light or holding your light? It's important to know the difference. Shining happens when you are in the giving mode - lit up from within and leading, sharing, guiding, and gliding. Holding happens when you are rejuvenating,...

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Summer Sadness

Summer Sadness

As we say goodbye to Summer, greet Autumn with Fierce Love.  If you know me well, you know I live for summer and ridin' my Harley. Anytime sadness creeps in, I dance to this song with complete abandon as a way of letting it go and invoking Autumn.   Sometimes you need...

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Essential Oils for Immune Support

Essential Oils for Immune Support

Many of you have been asking questions about how to support your immune system as we continue to move through this pandemic. And I'm so glad that you're asking! Prevention is the best approach to sustainable health and wellness. So with that in mind, I'm...

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The Power of Words

The Power of Words

Did you know that your voice carries your signature vibration? You can use your voice as a form of meditation. Especially if you're finding traditional meditation difficult right now, I encourage you to use the power of the spoken word. I've created the "Hold Your...

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Hold Your Light Meditation: My Gift to You

Hold Your Light Meditation: My Gift to You

Many of you have asked, "What more can I do to … remain strong, healthy, and calm?" Holding your light holds your cells, your vibration, and your calm. THIS is the most powerful "supplement" we have. And we are in control of it! I recently did a Body Talk session for...

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Checking In: How are you feeling?

Checking In: How are you feeling?

I was thinking of you today and just wanted to check in to ask: how you are feeling? The health and well-being of my patients is always my number 1 priority. Right now, whether you realize it or not, you are on a journey. Your journey could take you a number of...

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Your Daily Recipe for Vibrant Health

Your Daily Recipe for Vibrant Health

I want to acknowledge you for being so proactive with your health andnot following the status quo of traditional medicine. You want to feel healthy, vibrant, and energetic! Not feeling healthy puts us in a disruptive state. This state depletes us physically and...

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How Healthy Is Your Gut Microbiome

How Healthy Is Your Gut Microbiome

Have you thought about how important your gut is to your overall health? More and more scientific evidence points to the vital role our gut microbiome plays in almost all aspects of our body’s health. What’s a microbiome? Simply put, it’s the microorganisms in a...

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The Healing Power of BodyTalk

The Healing Power of BodyTalk

BodyTalk is truly the single most important modality I have ever encountered and used in my healing journey. It balances all levels of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions. And it does so whether you and I are side-by-side in my office or if we’re...

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How To Best Handle Performance Anxiety

How To Best Handle Performance Anxiety

Performance anxiety is a common problem. It occurs more in men than women and causes an individual to feel anxiety about how well he/she can engage in sexual activity. The debilitating fear of not performing sexually has many consequences:...

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How To Cultivate A Good Character

How To Cultivate A Good Character

At work, we are encouraged to think on our feet. We are encouraged to improve ourselves and hone the three essential qualities required in today’s workplace: perseverance, determination, and focus. A person that is focused on what they want is...

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Writing To Improve Yourself

Writing To Improve Yourself

Many people think of writing as something that only professional authors do. But that’s not true! Writing is for everyone. And the technique is widely used by people working toward transforming themselves through self-development. Writing allows you to...

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Inflammation And Your Immune System

Inflammation And Your Immune System

The word inflammation comes from the Latin inflammare, to set on fire. In the context of our immune system, heat, redness, pain and swelling form as a reaction to either injury, or a perceived threat in the body. If you’ve ever hit your thumb...

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Myths And Facts About Boosting Your Immune System

Myths And Facts About Boosting Your Immune System

There are a lot of theories on how to boost the immune system to ward off diseases, particularly in reference to cold and flu season, when people are most concerned with avoiding illness when everyone around them seems to be sick. But is there...

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What Stress Does To Your Immune System

What Stress Does To Your Immune System

Stress is a normal part of modern daily life, but most people are not aware of the negative consequences of stress on their health—until it is too late. Some people are able to cope with stress better than others, while others take practical...

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